Dina Proctor: Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day

It is when we make time to be still will we meet the best version of ourselves; this version we long for is calm, happy, generous, compassionate, highly productive, wealthy and healthy.

Dina Proctor Interview Part1

Dina Proctor Interview Part2

Question: How do we then get to and stay in this state (of grace) when in the busy lives we lead we are continually bombarded with external stimuli, demands and deadlines coming at us from every angle leaving us no time to just be.

Answer: By meditating.

This is not a trite answer to some of your most pressing concerns; if you think I am suggesting you go sit under a tree and contemplate your navel or the meaning of life.

For Dina Proctor finding that inner core of peace that turned her life around isn’t hard work as she explains in her best-selling book “Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day”. She went from hitting an emotional rock bottom through struggling with addictions, food issues and depression, to finding a consistent happiness by (get this) meditating for 3 minutes 3 times a day.

Surely, if you value your health, sanity and well being, adopting this practice is an investment in time that will be repaid a thousand fold.

Just do it!

Find Dina at www.dinaproctor.com





Dorinda Hafner Interview: Honey, I Shrunk The Chef

Dorinda Hafner is a remarkable human being whose career evolution can be summed up as “diverse” which as you read and listen to this interview is an understatement. Leaving Ghana at 18 and bound for the United Kingdom as a trainee nurse, she made stops along the way as a model, dispensing optician, actor, and is best known in Australia as a celebrity chef, civil celebrant and author of her latest book Honey, I Shrunk The Chef.

At 65 and still going like the clappers, she is testament to the fact that you change careers not just once but many times and at this rate I would not be surprised to see her doing something else in the coming years.

As Dorinda so succinctly puts it, “We are all multi talented beings, and it is only when we nurture and grow these talents that our magnificence shines”. I got a sense of fun and enthusiasm and most importantly passion and authenticity. To me that is a sign of someone honoring her talents.

Dorinda Hafner Part1

Dorinda Hafner Part2

The original intent of this interview was to discuss her newly published book, but as we talked what unfolded was a chronicle of one woman’s rich and varied life as told through her book. Yep, it included all the triumphs and setbacks and what led to overeating as a means of compensating for perceived shortcomings.

I don’t know about you, but I like happy endings; Dorinda shares how she shed 80 kg (over 160 pounds!) by firstly being internally motivated to continue living a vibrant healthy life. The subsequent external actions she took included getting a (good looking) personal trainer, reassessing her eating habits, understanding and modifying the internal dialogue which lead to overeating.

I am not in the habit of endorsing cookbooks but Honey, I Shrunk The Chef is about self respect and shoring up self esteem by literally nurturing our bodies with good food simply because we have discovered we are lovable as we are.

Some of the topics covered:

Fending for myself-The emotional and psychological management of a food addict; Public image-Dorinda talks about how weight loss changed her relationships with friends, family and others; Exercise Issues-Dorinda’s road to making friends with regular exercise and how it affected her progress; Portion Adjustments-Fun ways to permanent portion control.

Get the book at http://www.honeyishrunkthechef.com








Suzanne Kambuts: Using Lifeline Techniques To Make Career Decisions

We make the best professional and personal decisions when we have clarity; this means whether we stay in our present corporate career or make that leap into starting our own business. Perhaps it is even whether we stay in a relationship or move on.

I have asked Suzanne Kambuts, founder of Transformational Living coach and Certified Practitioner in The Life Line Technique™ for her wisdom with regards to how best a person arrives at the right decision for them.

In this excerpt Suzanne gives you the background to how muscle testing aids this process of becoming clear about your life purpose. Unsurprisingly we first need to cut through the emotional baggage that can cloud our decision making process.

Listen to the entire interview where Suzanne gives you the details as to how best to develop laser like focus necessary to make that transition with confidence.

Suzanne Kambutts Part1 30Oct2012

Suzanne Kambuts Part2 30Oct2012

Contact Suzanne:


Rachael Downie Parenting With Hope: Reclaim Your Time, Get On Well With Your Kids

Never underestimate the power and influence of a parent on a child’s sense of who they are. The truism, “The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules The World” sums up why we behave the way we do.

If every parent in this world was taught to exercise emotional intelligence in his/her own life, we would have well adjusted kids prepared to become effective leaders of tomorrow. They would be magnificent leaders with a vision for humanity and this planet.

Our children would be the Earth’s future custodians who will balance economic growth and simultaneously manage of our precious natural resources without destroying it.

We would have our personal finances in order, our personal lives in order.

It’s a big call, but the reason why I am calling it is because it is possible.

Rachael Downie is an educator and author of Parenting with Hope: Five easy steps to take the frustration out of your daily life, reclaim your time and create a better relationship with your children. She is well credentialed to speak in this regard as Rachael is also a wife and mother of 4 under the age of 10.

Listen to the full interview below:

Rachael Downie Part 1 6Nov2012

Rachael Downie Part 2 6Nov2012

The impetus for writing her book stemmed from Rachael’s own experiences of having to learn to parent on the fly. The many parenting books available focused on modifying the child’s behavior, what was sorely missing was anything remotely close to helping the new parent handle their own emotions in this life changing event.

Rachael’s book fills this chasm with her highly practical yet sympathetic instructions in helping the new parent gain the awareness and emotional intelligence skills critical to helping their children develop into happy, wealthy and well balanced little people.

To purchase a copy of Parenting with Hope: Five easy steps to take the frustration out of your daily life, reclaim your time and create a better relationship with your children, go to: www.helpforparents.com.au

Rachael’s email: rachaeldownie@empoweringfamilies.com.au






Benjamin Harvey: Living Your Love (And Making More Money)

Have you ever wondered how you can share your passion, make a difference to the world and as a bonus make a bucket load of money doing what you love?

Through no fault of our own, we are told to lower our sights when we dare to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe we can do what really inspires us rather than settle for a life of compromise.

We settle for less than what we are put on this earth to do which by the way is to be the best version of ourselves.

We rob ourselves (and the people around us who could benefit from our unique gifts and skills) of a life of magnificence, wealth, health and happiness.

But the good news is that you don’t have to resign yourself to living an average life, with an average wage and average expectations.

So if you want to know how you can make your passion an integral part of your life purpose and earn a truckload of cash doing just that, allow Benjamin Harvey founder of Authentic Education-Live Your Love to share his know how in this interview.

And believe it or not it is as simple as making a list!  Get the lowdown from Ben the man himself in this excerpt.

Full interview below:

Ben Harvey Part1 16 Oct2012

Ben Harvey Part2 16 Oct2012

Find Ben at:




Lorwai TAN and Stephanie KAKRIS: The Language of Success

The Power of the Spoken Word

Would you be surprised to know that happy, wealthy and successful people choose their words carefully?

A verse in the Bible comes to mind; “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made Flesh”

Our thoughts and feelings are expressed as the words we have incorporated into our vocabulary.

Our words take on physical form via our action which when repeated become habits.

Our habits determine our level of success; in other words life is a self fulfilling prophecy

Our vocabulary reflects how we think and feel about ourselves and others (as discussed in this conversation I had with Stephanie Kakris, Founder of HighPerformanceClub.com).

Lorwai and Steph Part1 11Sept2012

Lorwai and Steph Part2 11 Sept2012

Can you see then that our words when repeated often enough become our reality; if that is the case wouldn’t you rather that they be empowering words that will put you in the right head and heart space to problem solve, be creative and succeed?

I do not believe in such a thing as a casual remark. The words some people use to describe themselves (e.g., not good enough, could do better, just average) are hallmarks of subterfuge.

These are self sabotaging and undermine a person’s efforts at becoming successful.

I believe that when we change the way we think and speak we change the amount of money we earn/make.

What is in your vocabulary when it comes to investing, making money or running a business?

Here are some phrases I often hear that are disempowering or as I call like, “Shooting yourself in the foot” language. Such words and phrases roll off the tongue so easily that people can slip into the “being average is ok” groove that is destined to keep them just over broke.

I have in parentheses my interpretation of what a person is really wanting to say. Feel free to disagree!

  1. Oh, I am just dabbling in the stock market (Lack of commitment to giving it your all and going for it because of a fear of failure or success)
  2. They are filthy rich, obscenely wealthy (The implied is that having a lot of money or being interested in making a lot of money is crass, unrefined and not genteel. A person is somehow crude and base for openly talking about making money and wanting to be rich.)
  3. The taxman is always out to get you (Victim mentality?)
  4. Making money is hard work and not fun (Limiting self belief)
  5. I don’t want to take on any debt (Not understanding the difference between good and bad debt)
  6. It scares me to be self employed (Unclear about financial goals coupled with low self confidence)
  7. Don’t tell me what to do (Why so defensive??)



Lisa Page Interview:Women their relationship with themselves, partners and money

Women now more than ever are in the workforce building a career but still playing the traditional roles of wives/girlfriends/mothers. This can be a big responsibility that can leave them exhausted and spent.

If you want more money, work on having happy personal relationships and most importantly be comfortable in your own skin. Believe me, they are interrelated.

Lisa Page founder of Soul Satisfaction for Women states that consciously practicing correct breathing techniques are key to what you yearn for in life.

Lisa Page 14 Aug2012 Interview Part1

LIsa Page 14Aug2012 Interview Part2

In this interview she elaborates on her powerful technique called Breathe Baby Breathe that is pivotal to helping her clients regain that sense of being centered and less stressed. Follow this link to get more information www.breathebabybreathe.com.au

It is from this basis that her clients build better relationships, have more money in the bank and become happier humans.

Lisa has generously made available a BIG and USEFUL freebie eBook that you can get by following the link below:

Find Lisa Page at:

Suzanne Kambuts Interview: Lifeline Technique and Career Transitions

In this present economic climate there are many people desperately clinging onto jobs that don’t serve them but because they fear unemployment, they make huge personal compromises and stay where they are. To up and leave takes courage but before taking that step it is important to know what exactly it is they want in a career.

Suzanne Kambuts. She is a Transformational Living coach and Certified Practitioner in The Life Line Technique™. As well as using this very powerful mode of helping her clients, she also uses numerology and astrology to help them gain clarity about their future career paths, create wealth and happy personal relationships.

Suspend your scepticism for a moment and listen to Suzanne explain how she uses these modalities to give her clients a stronger sense of direction in pursuit of their professional career.

Suzanne Kambuts Interview Part1

Suzanne Kambuts Interview Part2

There are some gems in this interview when Suzanne describes how the Lifeline Technique is a powerful method to uncovering self limiting beliefs around money. For some of you it means clearing the way and having the courage to go for that promotion or asking for that pay raise that you so deserve!






Self Managing Emotions Using The “Power of Now”

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to exercise freedom of choice in my emotions over a fried but still under warranty laptop.

In a sense it was a good time to incorporate what Eckhart Tolle calls being in the NOW from his book “The Power of Now”.

Experience is a wonderful teacher and I had learned that Plan B in the form of an external hard drive that automatically backed up all my data everyday to this “safe place” was good data management practice. Clever me or so I thought.

So on the Thursday when the laptop decided to suddenly die (as in not boot up), I was only mildly concerned.

Still under warranty-check, got external hard drive back up-check, got great service support from Chris and the crew at Compnow-check.

On Friday afternoon, I picked up my laptop complete with new hard drive replacement, went home to migrate my data back onto it.

This is where it got interesting; it stalled and duly informed me that there was NO external hard drive recognized.

It was one of those surreal moments where I could see all the data I had painstakingly accumulated (personal and professional) disappearing into cyberspace never to be seen again.

I did a mental calculation of the amount of time it would have had to take me to put together the digital files again-a month (if I worked on it 3 hours a day) for information that existed as hard copies.

More worryingly was the rest of the data that could not be replaced the word “priceless” came to mind).

A flurry of phone calls to Chris at Compnow and arrangements were made to have the external HD and laptop back with them first thing Monday morning to remedy the situation, provided the external HD had not been corrupted.

That left me with an entire weekend to contemplate my navel or play over and over again the worse case scenarios. Neither was palatable.

Instead, each time my thoughts turned to the dreaded “what if I have lost all my data” situation, I remembered that I had in each moment a choice.

I could either work myself up into a state of anxiety or breathe deeply and ask, “How am I feeling at the moment-has the sky fallen in?; am I still walking and talking?”

I firmly believe that where our attention goes, our energy flows.

I had a choice of whether I would to use my energy to feed my sense of well being, gratitude for what I already have and therefore lift my emotional and psychological state or direct my energy towards the highly unproductive doldrums and remain mired in the mud.

I had ALL weekend to do this, to practice conscious awareness of every moment of my day. Yeah, thank you Universe!

So, whenever I was reminded that my laptop was flat lining, I made the conscious decision to enjoy the moments of a work related dinner filled with interesting conversation with people from other cultures on that Friday evening.

Saturday morning-I made a conscious decision to have a relaxing coffee at my favorite local place, and really tasting the flavor of a well made coffee.

This was after the usual weekend grocery shopping expedition, but this time, I marveled and gave thanks that I had the financial means to shop and that there was a variety of fresh fruit and produce available.

And rather than go through the motions of loading up my trolley with the usual grocery items and in a sense sleep walk through the whole process I gave thanks and expressed gratitude for each moment.

Sunday was filled with much laughter and lunch with my retired folks who were heading off on their annual overseas holiday because I made a conscious decision to be present physically, mentally and emotionally to my folks.

Monday morning- bright and early at Compnow and a mildly tense wait to see if in fact the situation could be remedied or that it was off to the nearest pub to drown my sorrows.

Wonders of technology in the able hands of Chris meant that all was well and I left a happy and relieved customer. Data transfer complete and intact!

This was a lesson that was made available to me and it was that I had a choice as to how I wanted to respond in every minute. Powerful realization.

In the final analysis, this means that whichever situation we find ourselves especially those we consider negative or bad, we have the power of now.







Camilla Mendoza Interview: The Importance of Valuing Money

I have invited Camilla Mendoza our expert on money mastery for women to share her experience running her awesome workshop Money Mastery for Women in New York City.

So, the question on everyone’s mind for Camilla-Are New York women any different from their Australian counterparts when it comes to grappling with their ambivalence about making money and having financial security?

Find out here on this 2 part interview.

Camilla Mendoza Part 1 June 2012

Camilla Mendoza Part 2 June 2012

If you feel you could do with some help, Camilla has some practical suggestions about how to overcome some ingrained self sabotaging habits that have kept you financially strapped.

Find Camilla at http://www.moneymasteryforwomen.com/